Lithium-ion batteries, safety and peace of mind are paramount.

When it comes to Lithium-ion batteries safety and peace of mind are paramount. The growing popularity of e-scooters and e-bikes as a form of urban transport has taken off around Australia. Micro or urban mobility is the new catchcry for the under 35’s who have embraced it as a major source of transport. A recent […]
Demand for Lithium-ion Batteries grows

As the demand for lithium-ion batteries grows managing their end-of-life recycling is an increasingly important issue for manufacturers, and suppliers. Particularly, sectors such as electric vehicles, stationary energy storage, and consumer electronics who are all experiencing dramatic growth. Recyclers are turning their attention to extracting valuable metals with the prospects of re-using those materials in […]
The importance of recycling EV batteries is slowly being recognised

The importance of recycling EV batteries is slowly being recognised throughout the world. Companies along the battery supply chain are investing billions of dollars in recycling capabilities. Furthermore, they are confronting projected shortages of the raw materials that will power the next generation of electric vehicles. Importantly, a recent article in the Financial Review outlined […]
Expired electric-car batteries set to be a major problem.

Expired electric-car batteries are set to be a major problem from 2030. New research by the University of Technology Sydney has revealed 30,000 tonnes of used electric vehicle batteries will enter the waste stream in Australia by 2030; Just seven years from now. Their work commissioned by Battery Stewardship Council found that: There are an […]
Prices of Critical Metals impede penetration of EV vehicles in China

Prices of Critical Metals will impede the penetration of EV vehicles in China. An academic paper has highlighted the challenges with a sobering market analysis. The world-wide demand for the critical metals of lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese will put pressure both on production and pricing. Getting buy in from the world’s largest market of […]
Recycling Lithium-ion Batteries

Recycling Lithium-ion batteries is becoming a more important initiative for many of the world’s largest companies. The increasing usage of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technology means that efficiently recycling of lithium-ion is all important. New research shows that grinding up old batteries might lead to a low-energy way to recycle the lithium and other […]
State branch operations play a key role

Article explains how the company addresses integrated recycling solutions
What Are Councils Doing To Recycle Batteries?

Local councils are often at the forefront of recycling, and for decades they’ve been doing a great job collecting paper, cardboard, jam jars, steel cans and other everyday items that historically ended up in landfill. But there are other types of waste that councils could, and should, be recycling. Batteries are a good example. They […]
Innovative technology to make batteries safe and sustainable

Australian researchers are on the verge of producing a revolution in battery technology, promising to overcome the problems of exploding mobile phones and avoiding the pollution problems associated with conventional batteries. Add to that super-fast charging, low cost and the ability to deliver high quantities of power in very short time frames, and it sounds […]
Battery recycling market expected to be worth USD $11.83bn by 2022

A recent report from forecasts that the global battery recycling market will grow from US$8.1 billion in 2016 to US$11.83 billion by 2022, an annual growth rate of 6.5%. Driving this growth is the increase in the number of batteries in use, and an expected tightening of environmental regulations by local and national governments. […]
Battery recycling helps Australian businesses meet environmental targets

When businesses set environmental targets it isn’t simply for the warm glow of doing something good for the planet. It’s also good for the bottom line. For example, implementing the international environmental standard ISO 14001 provides benefits including a competitive and financial advantage, improved environmental performance by suppliers, and improved company reputation and the confidence […]
How Ecocycle collects and transports batteries

One of the keys to boosting recycling is to make the whole process as simple as possible. When it comes to hand-held batteries, only a small fraction are currently recycled. Most go into the rubbish bin, so to make it easier for people to get involved in battery recycling, Ecocycle pays a lot of attention […]